Sunday, December 30, 2007

Length of sleep key in regulating kids' behaviours: study

From the CBC News
How long children sleep every night can affect their behavioural patterns and lead to changes in eating habits, a new study suggests.

The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Auckland, found that the less time a child slept, the more likely they were to have behavioural problems.

Children who slept for less than nine hours were also more likely to become overweight or obese, according to the study.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Multimedia whiteboards found to help learning

A study of multimedia whiteboards used in schools has found that they lead to more creative teaching and help to improve student concentration.

The research by Dr Miriam Judge of Dublin City University, is based on use of the technology in eight Dublin schools.

It is estimated the high tech boards have replaced blackboards in 15% of schools around Ireland.

Watch the report here

Plus here's a second CBS report 'Smart Boards': School Wave Of Future?